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Oct 04, 2020
Monday Night RAW Results-August 10th,2020

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Andrade vs. Angelo Dawkins

We go back to the ring and out comes Andrade with Zelina Vega and Angel Garza. Vega takes the mic and dismisses the idea that she had RAW Tag Team Champion Montez Ford poisoned last week. She says she had nothing to do with it. She asks what kind of manager would she be if she ruined the title shot for her clients at SummerSlam. Vega says Bianca Belair could learn a lot from her. Vega goes on and says she had nothing to do with the poisoning, but she will have everything to do with the title change at SummerSlam. The music hits next and out comes RAW Tag Team Champion Angelo Dawkins of The Street Profits. Dawkins walks to the ring and the lights go out, which could be a sign of RETRIBUTION. Back to commercial as Dawkins does his entrance.

Back from the break and Tom shows us footage of Big Show in Netflix’s new “Game On: A Comedy Crossover” show. We go back to the ring and they’re going at it. Back and forth to start for several minutes. Dawkins mounts offense and launches Andrade across the ring with an overhead suplex. Dawkins misses in the corner and Andrade beats him down. Andrade with the running knees to the face. Dawkins still kicks out at 2.

Andrade goes to the top but Dawkins catches him in mid-air on the way down with a big right hand. Dawkins covers but Vega gets on the apron and distracts the referee, spoiling the pin. Bianca Belair appears at ringside and pulls Vega off the apron to the floor.

There’s chaos now as Andrade charges but Dawkins catches him with the Cash Out, driving him into the mat. Dawkins covers for the pin to win.

Winner: Angelo Dawkins

– After the bell, Garza checks on Vega while Belair yells at him. Belair brings Vega into the ring but Vega retreats back to the floor. Belair stands tall in the ring and taunts Vega as we go back to commercial.

Zelina Vega vs. Bianca Belair

Back from the break and Bianca Belair is in control of Zelina Vega. Vega jumps on her back but Belair resists and sends her flying to the mat.

Vega begs Belair to back off. Belair shows off some and they have words. Belair grabs Vega’s hair to keep her from retreating. Vega with a shot to the gut and a Crucifix attempt but it’s blocked. Vega counters again and applies a Triangle choke. Belair powers up but Vega tries to roll her into a pin. Belair overpowers again and slams Vega on her face. Belair talks more trash to Vega and tells her to get up.

Belair takes Vega to the corner and unloads with kicks and punches, beating her down as the referee warns her. Belair goes back to unloading and the referee gets in between them. Vega with a cheap shot to the eye during the chaos. Vega with a takedown for a 2 count as Andrade and Angel Garza cheer her on from ringside. Vega keeps control and stuns Belair in the corner, dropping her again. Vega charges with double knee to the face for a close 2 cunt.

Vega keeps Belair down now and talks some trash as Angelo Dawkins encourages Belair from ringside. Vega fights the KOD attempt off. Belair with an elbow. Vega counters and sends Belair flying face-first into the middle rope. Vega leaps from the second rope for a crossbody but Belair catches her in mid-air. Belair tosses Vega into the air and drives her into the mat for a pop. Belair finally mounts more offense and tosses Vega by her hair. Belair charges in the corner but hits the ring post head-first as Vega moves out of the way.

Vega works Belair over and mounts her in the corner while talking some trash, yelling that she didn’t do the poisoning. Belair counters coming out of the corner with a powerbomb. Belair then drops Vega face-first into the top turnbuckle. Belair drops Vega in the middle of the ring with the KOD, covering for the pin to win.

Winner: Bianca Belair

– After the match, Belair stands tall in the middle of the ring as we get replays. Charly Caruso interviews Belair and Dawkins in the ring, asking about evidence on the poisoning. Belair brags on beating Vega and won’t give an update on Montez Ford’s condition. Dawkins says they are The Street Profits and SummerSlam is two weeks away… there’s no way Ford is missing the biggest party of the summer. Dawkins says they’re bringing the ruckus and the red cups, and they want the smoke. Vega, Andrade and Garza taunt Dawkins and Vega from the stage.

File under: Uncategorized

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