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Oct 04, 2020
Monday Night RAW Results-August 31st,2020

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Tornado Tag Team Match: The Street Profits vs. Andrade and Angel Garza

We go back to the ring and it starts raining red cups as RAW Tag Team Champions The Street Profits head to the ring – Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins. The announcers go over the rules for this match. The titles will not be on the line. Out next are Andrade and Angel Garza with Zelina Vega and Demi Burnett.

The bell rings and here we go. Dawkins gets taken out and they double team Ford now. They look to hit a double superplex on Ford in the corner as Vega cheers them on. Dawkins comes over and interrupts, slamming all three to the mat with a counter. We go right to commercial.

Back from the break and the double team to Dawkins is in progress. Garza grounds Dawkins and Andrade nails a big shot from the second rope. Garza wastes some time and Dawkins kicks out at 2. Garza with a big running shot to Dawkins in the corner. Andrade goes out and drops Ford into the edge of the apron. Dawkins gets double teamed again as Vega cheers her crew on. Andrade with an arm submission to Dawkins using the ring ropes. Dawkins fights off a double team from the corner. He rocks Garza and launches Andrade across the ring.

Dawkins unloads and runs wild on Garza and Andrade now. Dawkins with a leaping corkscrew splash on Andrade in the corner, then a big bulldog for a 2 count as Garza breaks the pin up. Burnett also cheers Garza on from ringside. Garza and Andrade take Dawkins back to the top and turn him upside down. Garza with a big running kick to the chest while he’s upside down. Andrade goes to the top and hits the big stomp while Dawkins is upside down. Andrade with a 2 count as Ford leaps from out of nowhere to break it up.

The two teams trade big moves on their feet now. Ford with a big Blockbuster and enziguri to Andrade. Ford shakes the ring ropes and yells out but the lights start flickering. Could this be RETRIBUTION? Garza takes Burnett and they run away through the crowd.

RETRIBUTION suddenly storms the ringside area. Ford, Andrade and Dawkins are in the ring as it’s surrounded. Male members of the masked group hit the ring and attack. Female members also surround Vega at ringside and beat her down. The crowd boos as RETRIBUTION stomps away on Vega, Ford, Dawkins and Andrade. They all run away to the back as we go back to commercial.

File under: Uncategorized

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