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Oct 04, 2020
Monday Night RAW September 21st 2020 Results

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#1 Contender’s Match: Zelina Vega vs. Mickie James

We go back to the ring and out first comes Zelina Vega as Mike Rome does the introductions. The winner of this next match will challenge RAW Women’s Champion Asuka at Clash of Champions. Vega hits the ring and we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and we see what has happened with RETRIBUTION tonight. We see how last week’s Asuka vs. Mickie James match ended, and how Vega stepped to Asuka last week. Out next comes Mickie to the ring. They air a backstage video from earlier where Mickie said she will remain focused on the title and show Vega how a real champion does it tonight. The bell rings and Mickie attacks Vega. Vega turns it around and works James over in the corner. Vega yells at Mickie while holding her by her hair. Mickie turns it around and drops her in the middle of the ring.

Mickie slings Vega around by her hair. More back and forth now. Vega catches Mickie in a submission in the middle of the ring. James powers up and rams Vega back into the turnbuckles to break it. Vega dodges a shot and kicks James in the face. Mickie catches the next kick and goes for a powerbomb but Vega turns it into a hurricanrana for 2. Mickie with a pin of her own for 2. Vega drives Mickie into the mat. Mickie shoves Vega of but Vega catches her on the middle rope with a submission as the referee counts to 5.

Vega stalks Mickie some and goes for the tornado DDT. Mickie fights her off and clotheslines her. Mickie mounts some offense now. Mickie drops Vega on her face as he crowd cheers her on. Mickie goes to the top and hits the seated senton but Vega kicks out at 2. Mickie kicks Vega as she gets up. Vega blocks the big DDT and sends Mickie into the ropes hard. Vega with a Backstabber in the middle of the ring for the pin to earn the title shot.

Winner and New #1 Contender: Zelina Vega

– After the match, Vega stands tall as her music hits. The announcers confirm Vega vs. Asuka for the title on the Clash of Champions Kickoff pre-show.

Asuka vs. Peyton Royce

We go back to the ring and out comes RAW Women’s Champion Asuka for this non-title match. She poses in the ring as the pyro goes off. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and the announcers hype Mandy Rose “coming soon” to RAW. We go back to the ring and Peyton Royce is out. The bell rings and they lock up. Billie Kay watches from ringside. Royce takes it to the corner but Asuka fights her off. Asuka rolls Royce for a 2 count. Royce charges but Asuka nails a big knee. Asuka with a big Hip Attack in the corner, then a German suplex in the middle of the ring. Asuka with more offense for a close 2 count.

Asuka goes for a kick but Royce catches it. They tangle and Asuka takes Royce down for 2. Royce ducks a kick. Asuka ducks a kick. Asuka with a kick to the gut. More back and forth now. Royce with a Stunner variation for a 2 count. They tangle some more. Royce fights off the Asuka Lock. Royce drops Asuka again for another close pin attempt. Royce goes to the top but Asuka rocks her and climbs up. Royce knocks Asuka to the mat. Asuka kicks her in the head, sending her to the mat.

Asuka follows up and drops Royce to the mat for the Asuka Lock. They tangle and Zelina Vega hits the ring out of nowhere, attacking Asuka for the disqualification.

Winner by DQ: Asuka

– After the bell, Vega talks trash and goes to work on Asuka. Asuka fights back and goes for a spinning back fist but Vega avoids it and retreats to the floor. Vega yells about how she’s taking the title from Asuka on Sunday. Asuka taunts her from the ring as her music hits.

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