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Oct 04, 2020
Monday Night RAW September 7th 2020 Results

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The Street Profits vs. Angel Garza and Andrade

We go back to the ring and out come RAW Tag Team Champions The Street Profits for this non-title match – Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins. Out next comes Andrade and Angel Garza with Zelina Vega. Vega and Andrade march right past Garza on the ramp as he poses. There’s some ringside tension between the two as well.

Garza says he will stat off. He faces off with Ford and taunts him by throwing his pants. Back and forth as they go at it. Ford hits a dropkick and sends Garza to the corner. Andrade tags in and they have some words. Dawkins comes in and dropkicks Andrade. Dawkins launches Andrade over his head.

Vega and Garza end up arguing at ringside for a few minutes as Andrade fails to mount a comeback in the ring. This leads to Dawkins leveling Andrade. Ford goes to the top and hits the big Frogsplash for the pin to win.

Winners: The Street Profits

– After the bell, Garza is already on the ramp, mouthing back at Vega as The Profits’ music hits. We go to replays after Ford kicks Andrade out of the ring. There’s more arguing between the two sides as Garza storms off to the back. The music suddenly hits and out comes SmackDown Tag Team Champions Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura. The Street Profits look on from the ring as we go to commercial, with Cole wondering if the Brand To Brand Invitational is back.

File under: Uncategorized

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