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Oct 06, 2020
Monday Night RAW October 5th,2020 -Results

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Zelina Vega, Lana and Natalya vs. Mandy Rose, Dana Brooke and Asuka

Back from the break and Zelina Vega is already out for this six-woman match. Out next are her partners, Lana and Natalya. RAW Women’s Champion Asuka is out next.

Natalya and Brooke start things off. Natalya with two straight takedowns. They run the ropes and Natalya counters, then takes Brooke down and folds her up for a 2 count. More back and fort now. Brooke swings Natalya around by a scissors and covers for a 2 count. Brooke tags Rose in and holds her for a shot to the gut. Brooke and Rose with a double suplex, holding Natalya high in the air. Rose covers for a 2 count. Natalya fights up and out but they tangle in the middle of the ring. Rose dropkicks Natalya in the face for a 2 count. Vega ends up yanking Asuka off the apron to prevent a tag. Rose goes after Vega but Natalya ends up taking advantage of the distracting, dropping Rose for a 2 count. Natalya unloads on Rose in the corner but Vega tags herself in and Natalya looks annoyed by it.

Vega works Rose over and rolls her up for a 2 count. Vega grounds Rose with a submission now. They tangle on the mat some more. Rose with a 2 count. Vega rocks Rose and then knocks Asuka off the apron with a right hand. Natalya tags in and then she tags in Lana. They double team Rose for another 2 count. Lana stops on Rose and tags Natalya back in for more quick double teaming. Lana kicks away at Rose and Natalya scoops Rose. Natalya knocks Brooke off the apron with a cheap shot. Rose blocks a Sharpshooter.

Asuka and Lana tag in now. Asuka knocks Vega off the apron with a Hip Attack. Asuka unloads on Lana and then Vega as she runs in. Asuka takes out Natalya as she charges. Lana knees Asuka in the face but Asuka comes back with a sliding knee but Natalya breaks the pin up.

Brooke runs in and attacks Natalya, hitting a springboard back elbow in the corner. Asuka and Lana tangle some more now. Rose tags herself in but Lana doesn’t see it. Lana fights Asuka but turns around to a big pump knee strike from Rose. Rose covers Lana for the pin to win.

Winners: Mandy Rose, Asuka and Dana Brooke

– After the match, Rose’s music hits as the winners immediately gather in the middle of the ring to pose together. We go to replays. The winners pose on the stage together now. Natalya is checking on Lana in the ring now. Vega is about to make her exit. The music hits and out come the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions – Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler. Lana and Natalya try to retreat but the champs surround them at ringside and Natalya is trying to hold Lana up. Natalya tries to fight but Jax drop her with a headbutt. Jax holds Natalya while Baszler clears the announce table off. Jax scoops Natalya on her shoulders but Lana makes the save. Jax nails Lana and then drives her through the announce table, for the third time in recent weeks. We go to commercial with Jax and Baszler standing tall.

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