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Oct 13, 2020
Monday Night RAW Results-October 12th,2020

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Angel Garza vs. Andrade

We go back to the ring and out first comes Angel Garza. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Zelina Vega is on commentary as Garza waits in the ring. She comments on giving up on Garza. Out next comes Andrade. The bell rings and they go at it. Andrade with a back suplex to break a headlock. Andrade mounts Garza with strikes now. Vega says she is here for managerial contract obligations but after tonight she is officially done with these two.

Garza ends up leveling Andrade with a big superkick for a 2 count. Andrade counters a move and launches Garza into the turnbuckles. More back and forth for a few minutes now. Andrade sends Garza to the floor with a stiff back elbow. He follows and the referee counts. Garza counters the Hammerlock and sends Andrade into the apron.

Garza brings it back in the ring for the Wing Clipper but it’s blocked. He keeps it locked and hits the Wing Clipper for the pin to win.

Winner: Angel Garza

– After the match, Vega enters the ring to check on Andrade but the lights start going out. The red lights come up and we hear the menacing sounds of The Fiend all over the arena. Alexa Bliss appears in the corner instead, turned upside down like Bray Wyatt. Vega and Andrade are shocked. The Fiend suddenly appears behind Andrade. The Fiend grabs Andrade while Bliss grabs Vega. They drop them with Sister Abigails at the same time in the middle of the ring. Bliss and The Fiend stare each other down as the menacing sounds continue to echo all over the arena. We go to commercial.

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