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Oct 24, 2020
Smackdown Results-October 23rd,2020

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Bianca Belair vs. Zelina Vega

We go back to the ring and out comes Bianca Belair. She hits the ring and twirls her hair around as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and we see The Street Profits celebrating with Daniel Bryan and Kevin Owens backstage. Bryan is left alone and WWE Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn walks up. Sami says he heard Bryan bad-mouthing him earlier, saying his title should be defended each week. Sami doesn’t share the vision and says the title is special, and it’s his, which means he dictates the terms, how often it’s defended and against who. Sami brings up their WrestleMania 36 match and tells Bryan to keep his ideas to himself. As long as Sami is champion, he will defend his way. Sami walks off. We go back to the ring and out comes Zelina Vega.

The bell rings and they lock up. Belair takes it to the corner and Vega goes to the top while still locked up. Vega with a shot to the face. Belair attacks and launches Vega to the mat from the top. Belair taunts Vega while she’s down. They go at it and Vega starts working on the arm. Belair scoops her and slams her. Belair shows Vega up off a counter and runs over her with a shoulder tackle. Belair taunts some more and hits a standing moonsault, then kips up in the middle of the ring.

Vega grabs the apron cover as Belair tries to pull her. Vega kicks Belair back and drops her with a kick to the head from the mat. Another kick by Vega, then another in the corner. Vega sends Belair flying out of the corner. Belair catches Vega and launches her in the air, then delivers a big right hand on the way down.

Belair grabs Vega and presses her high above her head from the mat. Fans pop as Belair marches across the ring with Vega in the air, then drops her over the top turnbuckle. Belair with the KOD in the middle of the ring for the pin to win.

Winner: Bianca Belair

– After the match, Belair stands tall and starts celebrating as her music hits. We go to replays.


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