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Jul 17, 2021
Smackdown Results-July 16th,2021

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WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Natalya and Tamina Snuka vs. Nox and Shotzi

We go back to the ring and out comes Nox and Shotzi riding on the tank. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Cole shows us a vignette on WWE Intercontinental Champion Apollo Crews and his muscle, Commander Azeez. Cole says Crews will return to action soon. Liv Morgan and Zelina Vega are on commentary now. Nox and Shotzi wait as WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Natalya and Tamina Snuka come out for this non-title match.

Tamina goes to work on Shotzi to start, sending her to the corner. Natalya tags in and works Shotzi over while she’s down. Shotzi and Nox will earn a future title shot if they win this match.

Shotzi fights back on Natalya and connects with a kick. Shotzi welcomes Natalya to the Ball Pit and drops the double leg drop for a 2 count. Tamina and Natalya turn it back around and double team Shotzi in the corner with kicks. Natalya runs into a big boot. Shotzi crawls for a tag but Natalya stops her. Shotzi kicks her away and in comes Nox.

Nox unloads on Natalya and kicks Tamina on the apron, sending her down. She then attacks again and kicks Tamina off the apron. Nox drops Natalya in the corner and hits a big cannonball. Nox exposes her knee and nails the Shiniest Wizard for a 2 count as Tamina breaks it up. Tamina drops Shotzi in the corner, taking her out.

Liv and Zelina start arguing on commentary. They meet in front of the announce table and start brawling. Liv rolls in the ring, and right back out, as Natalya tries for the Sharpshooter on Nox. Liv leaps off the steel ring steps and attacks Zelina on the floor at ringside. Nox takes advantage of the distraction and rolls Natalya for the non-title win.

Winners and New #1 Contenders: Nox and Shotzi

– After the match, an angry Tamina attacks Liv at ringside. Natalya grabs Zelina and sends her into a big superkick from Tamina. Tamina charges Liv but she moves and Tamina hits the ring steps. Liv takes Natalya out and they bring the fight in the ring. Liv counters Natalya and lays her out in the middle of the ring. Liv stands tall under the briefcases as fans cheer her on.

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