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Nov 03, 2021
Monday Night RAW Results-November 1st,2021

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– We see footage from earlier today of Queen Zelina Vega and Carmella walking backstage together, complimenting each other. WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Nikki A.S.H. and Rhea Ripley walk up, but the two teams end up having words. Ripley defends Nikki and says she won’t let them hurt her feelings. Nikki issues a challenge and Vega accepts. Carmella laughs as they walk off.

WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Nikki A.S.H. and Rhea Ripley vs. Carmella and Queen Zelina Vega

We go back to the ring and out first for this non-title match are WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Nikki A.S.H. and Rhea Ripley. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and WWE Champion Big E vs. Kevin Owens in a non-title match is confirmed for the main event. We go back to the ring and out comes Carmella and Queen Zelina Vega. The bell rings and Carmella goes to the ringside area to put her protective mask on. Ripley meets Vega in the middle of the ring and they argue to start. Ripley shoves Vega down into the corner.

Carmella tags in now and taunts Ripley, then slaps her in the face. Ripley seethes as Carmella taunts her. Ripley levels Carmella with a stiff headbutt, then unloads on her with strikes. Ripley with a dropkick to the back of the head.

We see Liv Morgan, Doudrop, Natalya and Tamina Snuka backstage watching. Nikki ends up tagging in and getting the upperhand on Carmella. Vega runs in but Nikki sends her into Ripley’s boot in the corner. Carmella and Vega end up on the floor together. Nikki leaps from the apron and takes them both down with a crossbody for a pop. Nikki celebrates at ringside as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Carmella dominates Ripley, grounding her in the middle of the ring. Ripley finally slams Carmella and tags in Nikki. Nikki unloads on both opponents, knocking Carmella to the floor. Nikki mounts Vega in the corner with right hands as the crowd counts along with her. Nikki with the swinging neckbreaker for a close 2 count as Carmella kicks her in the face to break it up. Carmella dumps Ripley to the floor as we see the other female Superstars backstage watching.

Ripley gets Carmella on her shoulders but Carmella sends her face-first into the ring post. Carmella comes back and sends Ripley into the barrier to put her down. Carmella and Vega double team Nikki after coming back in now. Vega turns it into a Code Red for the pin to win.

Winners: Queen Zelina and Carmella

– After the match, Vega and Carmella stand tall together and celebrate as the music hits. Ripley is down at ringside and Nikki is down in the ring.

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